The last LRB gig of 2022, and as always, it was very special indeed…
We started the evening with Paul McClure, harmonica on his lips and guitar in hand, telling his tales and singing his songs with charm, humour, pathos and poignancy.
(I’m not going to repeat Paul’s jokes here, you really have to catch him live for a fun night out).
Long Gone Out Of Here, opens, followed by Song 6 both from Paul’s first album in 2013, SMILING FROM THE FLOOR UP.
Unremarkable Me was written for Paul’s wife although the Album is called SONGS FOR ANYONE, so who really knows? Laughs… Released in 2016.
Isolated Blues No1 is another song inspired by his long suffering wife… and is followed by the beautiful Yesterday’s Lies, another song From SONGS FOR ANYONE… that went down well tonight.
This Must Be What They Mean (When They Sing About The Blues) tells the tale about Paul’s life on the road, sleeping in your shoes never knowing where you’d wake up… A great life in your 30’s… Laughs… Taken from the 2019 MARKET TOWN album… The LRB audience are invited to join in with A whole Lot Of Shakin’ Going on, as Paul links the two songs…
With My Little Ray Of Sunshine Paul closed his set unplugged and roaming through the audience, encouraged participation to great delight, especially at the back. I always maintain that when you come to the LRB and you are in the band, this was true again tonight.
Through the well deserved backdrop of applause, Paul recorded a message to his children “Daddy will be home soon”.
From his stories and songs you can tell, home is clearly where Paul’s heart is.
We never expected an encore tonight, and neither did Paul, but the audience demanded it, Daddy Will You Hold My Hand Track 4 From MARKET TOWN was a beautiful way to close a fine performance.
Food Glorious Food is a tradition at LRB and Lyn, with her team triumphed once more in this minor miracle of feeding everyone whilst we re set the stage for the final performance.
Hannah White is joined by her husband Kieron Marshall on guitar, (with his hand wired Imperial amp as used by Mark Knopfler), Matt Owens ( Noah and the Whale) on his vintage bass rig. (This rig has a lineage starting with Led Zeppelin, then moving through The Who and thence to Queen) before finding its way into Matt’s capable hands and tonight’s LRB finalé.
Also in the band we had Besley “Just Call Me Jim” on drums.
This line up was unique as the band had never played live together before as a group, but if you were in the room or watch the videos you will appreciate the talent Hannah has gathered around her… Live music on the edge is always exciting with this much talent at hand…
Hannah was clearly happy to be back at LRB saying “it’s only taken since 2017 to get a headline slot” laughs… as she opens with One Night Stand, then It will Be Alright track 2 from her 2022 ABOUT TIME. album.
Kieron showed off some lovely gentle guitar chops here, the first of many tonight…
Bluest Eyes, the next song, comes from the experience of Hannah parting company from her management, ‘musical differences’ is the industry phrase for many a break up, you’ll find it as track 3 On ABOUT TIME. Matt played a groovy bass line here too.
HANNAH WHITE and Band | Bluest Eyes | Little Rabbit Barn
Hannah tells us of a very difficult time in her life that inspired this next song, Car Crash, expressing that now she feels awkward to talk about it… an audience member replied, “It’s not awkward. It’s brave” to great applause…
This led to an incredibly moving performance of the song for Hannah, the audience and the whole band that we have luckily captured on video.
Some things are in the moment, and this was one of them… Never miss a gig… The song has been nominated for AMA song of the year and deservedly so.
The Good Stuff ups the tempo, track 6 from Hannah’s first self produced Album ABOUT TIME, about which she is rightly (in her own words) “bloody proud”…
Wow, Kieron does it again with that gorgeous ‘Les Paul’ guitar sound.
Hannah introduced the band, excited about the radio play she has received from Ricky Ross (Deacon Blue) on BBC Scotland, and how she is joining him on tour now.
He liked her song Broken Bird and it’s country flavour which the band played next. She also gave Matt Owens a shout out for his new material and tour and thanked Paul McClure for his great opening set tonight.
You cannot escape but notice the fun the band are having on stage as they play these songs, Your Country’s Not At War, track 2 From ELEPHANT EYE includes more amazing Gibson Les Paul sounds from Kieron as he let’s rip before Matt launched into a wonderful bass solo on that classic bass rig of his… Jim on drums is holding it all together.
“You got the job guys” quips Hannah before she drops in a song the band just don’t know at all. Coming down from a future upcoming album. Hannah is a couple of albums ahead in her writing already…
Talking of loss in her life and those around her, Hannah dedicates this next song to anyone who has lost someone close… Fire To Your Flame had a special meaning tonight.
Hannah seems to enjoy offloading tales of bad reviews and experiences to get them out of her system as she carries on regardless, she laughs as she does it too, it’s a breeding ground for great songs perhaps. Do It Like Me.
Fourteen Years is a beautiful song that closes The ABOUT TIME album, again a song born from bitter experience. Hannah and the band perform it marvellously with some lovely slide guitar from Kieran.
Another new song is next where the band just have to jump in the best they can in E Minor, Right On Time.
It’s always great to hear new songs first, that’s what you get at live gigs. The laughter at the end, along with the applause said it all. That was special.
Dedicated to everyone in the audience and as if any thanks were needed for turning out, Hannah plays Brother Won’t You Walk Beside Me, inspired by Tim O’Brian (Bluegrass Player) telling the story of how they eventually got to meet him by pretending to be a film crew, this got them into the gig and eventually led to them be invited to support him on a tour and to him guest playing on Hannah’s recording. This shows where taking chances can lead…
That was suppose be the last number, but after J said his Thank You’s Hannah and the band stepped up for a well deserved encore rocking the barn like it’s supposed to be rocked, drums pounding, bass thumping and guitars wailing… Chains of ours
Thank you Hannah White and the band…
Thanks to HANNAH WHITE, KIERON MARSHALL and PAUL McCLURE for a brilliant evening …it’s so nice to welcome artists back to Little Rabbit Barn. Thanks to the outstanding players MATT OWENS, vintage bass, JIM BESLEY, drums; KIERON MARSHALL, electric guitars and BVs.
Thanks to everyone involved with the production: Q sound engineer; The fabulous little rabbit crew of Chris on video cameras and setup, Stan on setup and artist merchandise, Stan and Dave on guest list, Brian running Little Rabbit Bar and big thanks to Chris for helping Lyn with food.
Review: Chris
Photography: Andy Sheard
Artist/guest hospitality: Lyn
AV editing & audio mix: J
Artists: Terry
Sound: Q
To all wonderful LRB guests and friends who support live music at LRB, big thanks and hope to see y’all next time
We will be back and ready to welcome a return with JENNY COLQUITT and BAND | RACHEL CROFT | Saturday 04 March 2023
Best wishes, Keep Safe & See Y’all soon
The LRB team